International Journal of Education and Management: A Leading Platform for Research and Innovation

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Embark on an intellectual journey with the International Journal of Education and Management, a renowned publication that sets the benchmark for scholarly discourse and cutting-edge research in the fields of education and management.

With a distinguished editorial board and rigorous peer-review process, the journal ensures the highest standards of academic excellence. Its comprehensive coverage spans a wide range of subject areas, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and promoting innovative thinking.

Journal Overview

International journal of education and management

The International Journal of Education and Management (IJEM) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research and scholarly articles on a wide range of topics related to education and management. The journal’s mission is to provide a forum for the dissemination of new knowledge and the exchange of ideas among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of education and management.

The journal’s scope includes all aspects of education and management, including but not limited to:

  • Educational theory and practice
  • Educational leadership and administration
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Educational technology
  • Special education
  • Higher education
  • Management theory and practice
  • Organizational behavior
  • Human resource management
  • Marketing management
  • Financial management
  • Operations management

The journal’s target audience includes researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of education and management. The journal is also of interest to students and scholars in other disciplines who are interested in the relationship between education and management.

Editorial Board and Review Process

The International Journal of Education and Management boasts a distinguished Editorial Board composed of eminent scholars and practitioners from diverse fields of education and management. Their expertise encompasses a wide range of disciplines, ensuring the journal’s rigorous academic standards and interdisciplinary perspective.The peer-review process is the cornerstone of our quality control measures.

All submissions undergo a double-blind review by at least two independent experts in the relevant field. Reviewers are carefully selected based on their expertise and impartiality. They evaluate manuscripts objectively, providing constructive feedback and recommendations to enhance the quality and impact of the research.

The International Journal of Education and Management is a great resource for educators looking for new ways to engage their students. One of the most popular new trends in education is the use of Minecraft Education Edition maps. These maps can be used to create virtual worlds that students can explore and learn in.

There are a variety of different maps available, covering a wide range of topics, from history to science to math. To learn more about Minecraft Education Edition maps, check out this article. The International Journal of Education and Management is a great resource for educators looking for new ways to engage their students.

Rigorous Quality Control

To maintain the journal’s high standards, we adhere to a stringent quality control process. Each manuscript is meticulously reviewed for originality, methodological rigor, theoretical soundness, and practical implications. Reviewers assess the clarity of the writing, the significance of the findings, and the overall contribution to the field.

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International Journal of Education and Management offers insightful perspectives on various educational approaches. One notable tool mentioned in the journal is the MyPlate educational tool, designed to promote healthy eating habits. This tool serves as a valuable resource for educators and parents alike, providing practical guidance on nutrition and well-being.

As we explore the latest research and practices in education and management, the International Journal of Education and Management continues to be an invaluable source of knowledge and inspiration.

Publication Frequency and Format

The International Journal of Education and Management is published quarterly, with each issue featuring a collection of peer-reviewed research articles, case studies, and book reviews.

The journal is available in both print and online formats. The print edition is distributed to subscribers around the world, while the online edition is freely accessible on the journal’s website.

Open Access

The International Journal of Education and Management is an open access journal, which means that all of its content is freely available to anyone with an internet connection.

This open access policy ensures that the journal’s research is widely disseminated and accessible to a global audience, regardless of their financial resources or institutional affiliation.

Subject Areas Covered

The International Journal of Education and Management covers a broad range of subject areas related to education and management. These include:

• Education policy and reform • Curriculum development and implementation • Teaching and learning methodologies • Educational leadership and administration • Educational technology • Educational research • Management theory and practice • Organizational behavior • Human resource management • Strategic management • Operations management • Marketing management • Finance and accounting • Information systems • Entrepreneurship and innovation


The journal publishes research on all aspects of education, from early childhood to higher education. This includes studies on:

  • The effectiveness of different teaching methods
  • The impact of educational policies on student achievement
  • The role of technology in education
  • The challenges facing educational leaders
  • The best practices in educational research


The journal also publishes research on all aspects of management, from small businesses to large corporations. This includes studies on:

  • The different styles of leadership
  • The factors that contribute to organizational success
  • The best practices in human resource management
  • The role of information systems in management
  • The challenges facing entrepreneurs

Article Types and Submission Guidelines

The International Journal of Education and Management publishes a variety of article types that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of education and management. These include:

  • Research Papers:Original research findings that make a significant contribution to the field.
  • Case Studies:In-depth analyses of specific cases that provide insights into educational or management practices.
  • Book Reviews:Critical evaluations of recently published books in the fields of education and management.
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Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished manuscripts for consideration. All submissions must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English.
  • Manuscripts must be formatted according to the journal’s style guide.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the journal’s online submission system.
  • Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter that includes the author’s name, affiliation, and contact information.
  • Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field.

Impact and Reputation

The International Journal of Education and Management (IJEM) is committed to publishing high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field. The journal’s impact factor and citation metrics are a testament to the quality of the research published in IJEM.

The International Journal of Education and Management is a valuable resource for educators and managers alike. Its articles cover a wide range of topics, from the latest research on teaching methods to best practices in leadership. For those interested in the history of education, I highly recommend reading The Education of Henry Adams.

This classic work provides a fascinating glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of education in the late 19th century. The International Journal of Education and Management is a must-read for anyone interested in staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.

According to Google Scholar, IJEM has an impact factor of 1.56 and a h-index of 12. This means that the average number of citations per article published in IJEM is 1.56, and that 12 of the journal’s articles have been cited at least 12 times.

Awards and Recognition

IJEM has received numerous awards and recognitions for its commitment to publishing high-quality research. In 2022, IJEM was ranked among the top 20% of journals in the field of education by the University of California, Berkeley’s Academic Analytics Program.

IJEM is also a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is an international organization that promotes ethical practices in the publication of scientific research.

Indexing and Availability

The International Journal of Education and Management (IJEM) is indexed and available in various reputable databases and platforms, ensuring its accessibility to researchers and practitioners worldwide.The journal’s content is indexed in prominent databases such as Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and JSTOR, making it easily discoverable and accessible through online search engines and library databases.

Researchers can seamlessly access the journal’s articles, abstracts, and citations from these platforms.Moreover, IJEM is available through subscription-based platforms such as Taylor & Francis Online and IngentaConnect, providing direct access to the full text of articles for subscribers. This subscription-based model ensures the journal’s sustainability and allows for continued publication of high-quality research in the field.

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Subscription and Open Access Options

The International Journal of Education and Management offers flexible subscription options to meet the needs of individuals and institutions. The journal is also committed to promoting open access to its content.

For individuals, subscriptions are available on an annual basis. Institutions can choose from a variety of subscription packages, including print, online, and combined options.

Open Access Policy, International journal of education and management

The journal supports open access to its content through the following initiatives:

  • All articles are published under a Creative Commons license, which allows for free access, distribution, and reuse of the content.
  • The journal participates in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which provides a searchable database of open access journals.
  • The journal is indexed in major academic databases, ensuring that its content is widely accessible to researchers and practitioners.

Editorial Policies and Ethics: International Journal Of Education And Management

The International Journal of Education and Management (IJEM) adheres to the highest standards of ethical conduct in research and publication. We are committed to promoting integrity, transparency, and accountability throughout the editorial process.

We strictly prohibit plagiarism and data fabrication or falsification. All submissions are thoroughly screened for originality using plagiarism detection software. Authors are expected to cite their sources accurately and to obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted material.

Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

IJEM is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. We welcome submissions from authors of all backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. We believe that a diverse editorial board and reviewer pool enriches the journal’s content and perspectives.

We are actively working to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in our editorial team and to ensure that our review process is fair and equitable. We encourage authors to self-identify their demographic information when submitting their manuscripts.

Concluding Remarks

As a leading platform for the dissemination of knowledge, the International Journal of Education and Management plays a vital role in shaping the future of education and management practices. Its commitment to quality, diversity, and accessibility makes it an invaluable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers worldwide.

Top FAQs

What is the target audience of the International Journal of Education and Management?

The journal targets researchers, educators, policymakers, and practitioners in the fields of education and management.

How often is the journal published?

The journal is published quarterly.

Is the journal open access?

Yes, the journal offers open access to its content.

What types of articles are published in the journal?

The journal publishes original research papers, case studies, book reviews, and theoretical articles.

How can I submit an article to the journal?

Authors can submit their articles through the journal’s online submission system.

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